Thursday, October 2, 2008

fig leaf

winner no! ....achiever no!.....go getter no!..........what?... loser? well I'm sure u'v all heard the story where nobody dared to call the emperor naked...yes nobody did....because.... nobody could but here, u r the emperor and u, the people, so remove the fig leaf and cry aloud 'I'm naked'.......alarming is it! yeah.....but why loser?......because the world doesn't know.. but you know.....we know that there are times we could have spoken and should have spoken but we didn't.....times where it was a 'yes' while it should have been a 'no'....times when we watch the treks and the quest for bounty of nature on Discovery Channel and The National Geographic Channel and remorse over what we are doing to our lives in the cubicles.....mmmmm nope! NO SERMONISING.....No Preaching...Its pure acceptance of what we about the name...loser-willynilly.... loser(I've just explained above) willynilly(because the blog wanted me to have an appendage which by the way means -you like it or not) friends I'm happy to invite your views on anything u feel is relevant to the subject.......... happy blogging!